As a working mom, balancing work and home life isn’t easy. Add the CPA exams to the mix, which can get even more challenging.
But I am here to tell you it is possible to pass the CPA exams as a working mom.
After passing REG, I failed the next three sections within seven months because I struggled with time management. I decided to take five months off the CPA exam and return full force to finish in the 18-month window.
Guess what? I passed the three sections in six months!
Here is how I managed my time to pass the CPA exams as a working mom.
Study based on content goals, not time
Since I only had six months to pass three parts of the CPA exam, I was under significant time pressure. I planned two hours to study each night when I created my schedule. I had to bump my studying to four hours a night to stay on track with the material. If you are in a time crunch like I was, create your schedule based on the sections you want to complete.
I know some of you aren’t in a tight testing window but are limited to how many hours you can study in a day. If that’s the case, create a realistic study schedule based on how many hours you can put in each day.
Remember, I took five months off studying after failing for seven months. It’s okay to take a longer time to get through the material. Use the full 18 months to your advantage.
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Create a study schedule to pass the CPA exams
Time Blocking
The biggest lesson I learned from my failure is not managing my time. I thought I had to put every minute of my free time away from studying as much as possible.
Welp, I was wrong.
Yes, there is such a thing as over-studying.
Many are optimistic and create a schedule packed with study time every moment of their day. While that is great, you still need time to decompress with your family and get stuff done outside of studying.
Spending time with your family, running errands, or enjoying your hobbies is as important as studying.
If you have a consistent study schedule and stick to it, you will put in enough time to pass the CPA exams.
I used a time-blocking strategy to create a flexible schedule. Here is how it works:
- Divide your tasks into a block of times for the day based on specific tasks.
- Time blocks a time of day to study.
- Add time blocks for possible time to make up or catch up on material each week.
- Add a buffer to your study schedule if you fall behind or miss a study day.
As you can see on my schedule, my goal was to study at least 26 hours a week. I had 8 hours built into my schedule as a buffer.
I didn’t stress if I missed a day of studying. Suppose something came up because I knew the date and time to make it up in advance. But if I didn’t need it, I enjoyed every bit of it, NOT studying.
You can also use this to get ahead when you’re feeling motivated! Download the free template here.
Pro tip: Set an alarm on your phone to ring when it is time to study.

Pomodoro Technique
I used the Pomodoro Technique to optimize the study I did spend studying. I would study for 25 minutes without distractions, followed by a five-minute break. Repeat this four times, followed by a more extended break.
The short study sessions with frequent breaks help increase attention span, concentration, and motivation.
You can find several free apps on your phone to help you track this method. You can get a paid app that will lock you out of your phone until the 25 minutes is up if you are easily distracted.
When to Study
Create your unique schedule based on the best time for your body. Here are some ideas on how to squeeze it into your schedule:
- In the morning, before the kids are up.
- After the kids go to bed.
- Ask a babysitter to take the kids to study on the weekends.
- Study at work before you go home.
I am a night owl and studied after my daughter went to bed. If you are a morning person, study before the kids gets up. Aim to get two hours of studying each day.
As long as you are consistent, your study time doesn’t matter.
CPA Exam Review Course
Find a CPA Review Course that works best with your study style. I used the Roger CPA Review course to study for the exams. After a long exhausting day between work, taking care of the house, and my daughter, it was hard to focus on studying. Roger is energetic and makes watching late at night to learn the material entertaining. I am never bored and engaged. Roger’s high energy and hilarious jokes kept me awake and going.

Squeeze in review time when you can.
You want to use any extra time when you are a busy mom.
During any “downtime” I had, I used to review multiple-choice questions on my phone. I limited this to 30 minutes daily and about 2-3 times a week.
I would pull up my study review course app and do 10-15 questions in the sections I have studied. You can use flashcards or reread your notes for review too. I would do this repeatedly until my ” downtime ” was up.
You can do this when you are:
- A passenger in a car or using public transportation.
- Waiting in the office for your doctor’s appointment.
- Waiting in a long line at the grocery store.
Pretty much anytime I had to wait, I would do this.
It kept old material fresh in my head and was a great mini-review.
It’s okay to ask for help.
Honestly, I couldn’t have passed without help from others.
My husband did pick up more household duties so that I could study. My family members helped watch my daughter on Saturdays so that I could do an all-day study session.
It is okay to ask for help during this period or delegate duties to others. Try to find help with tasks where you can.
Mom Guilt
Asking for help didn’t come without guilt creeping in. I know you’re struggling and miss more time with your kids. I know all these thoughts are running in the back of your head, making it difficult for you to focus.
But remember this, and it is only temporary.
You are a role model for your kids. All the hard work you are putting in is going to pay off.
If your kids are old enough, explain that you are working towards your goals. If they’re too young to understand, they probably won’t remember. Once you finish the exam, you will have time to make more memories with them. In the meantime, your studying will show them the hard work and rub it off on them in the future.
Use this to shift your mindset and motivation to drive you to study. Let go of the thoughts you are having in your head. Realize what you are doing is impressive and will soon pay off.
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You got this!
The CPA exam comes with a lot of hard work and sacrifice. But remember, it is only temporary, and the payoff is enormous.
If I remain consistent and work hard, I will be a CPA and reap the benefits.
I know balancing life as a working mom is a big challenge. Adding the CPA exams to it makes it even harder. But I know you can do it and pass!
Grab my free time-blocking schedule template and create your weekly study schedule.